Gail Rosen, CPA, is president of Gail Rosen, CPA, PC in Martinsville, New Jersey. She has been a practicing CPA for over 30 years. She is a popular speaker for business organizations, community groups and government agencies, and sits on the Board of Directors for several highly respected organizations.
She is similar to many CPAs this time of year. She is fine tuning her staff to make sure the workflow is perfectly orchestrated, updating her software to assure returns are filed efficiently and working closely with her clients to make sure all projections are accurate. However, amidst the similarities, Rosen is different. She recognizes the evolving, competitive world of tax and operates in it accordingly. Aside from being on the State and Federal Tax committee for the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants to stay up-to-date with current tax code, ‘Rosen is utilizing modern Web-based tools such as LinkedIn to maintain active relationships with her clients. Gail Rosen reveals what she is doing to prepare for tax season 2012. Q. Are you utilizing Tax Organizers this year mailed out or e-mailed? A. What we do is we mail them out but we also ask people if they want an e-organizer, which is what we call it, and we’d be glad to send it to you. We do mail and e-mail only on request.
Q. What percentage of your clientele comes to your office?
A. I would say about 35%.
Q. How much time do you spend with them on average?
A. Of course it varies, but I’ll probably spend an hour but I’m actually doing the return as I’m meeting with them so the return is virtually done except for any open points. Then, it just has to go through a review by one of my staff. So I’d say an hour.
Q. Do you use document management tools to scan over documentation?
A. Yes, everything is paperless. We’re inputting the W-2 and then we’re scanning it.
Q. Does your software scan in and populate the 1040 with W-2 information?
A. No, I tried that once a few years ago, I didn’t try it again. We haven’t tried it again because we tried it once and it was awful although I heard it got better. We’re so good and it goes so quickly just inputting it that when you scan it you have to figure out what went wrong. It almost takes more time to review it and make sure it’s right than to put it in the first time.
Q. Do you have any other technological time-saving tips?
A. We use Constant Contact. That’s probably my most favorite thing because it has e-mail updates on the new tax law. A lot of people are now alerting us because my name is in front of them all the time so when they get my updates it makes them think about me or any of the problems we may encounter over the year. That’s probably one of the best things I do all year. It triggers problems that I can fix during the year.
Q. Do you recommend any tax update courses?
A. One of the best things I like, I love, is being on the e-mail discussion lists where people post questions and updates because that’s always up-to-date and they’re real-life problems. I take courses all the time and I’m on tax committees. Like I’m on the State and Federal Tax committee for the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants so that’s probably one of my favorites because it has all the people that really know what’s going on.
Q. What do you see as good advice for clients before year-end?
A. Basically in today’s economy normal isn’t the usual. Life is crazy so your taxes are crazy. You have to know projections so you can plan because everyone has so much going on. Everyone’s situation is different; someone will be unemployed, someone will be starting anew. Each situation has to be analyzed; not everyone just goes to work, has the 2.5 kids and the white picket fence.
Q. Do you have any advice for other CPAs to make tax season run more smoothly?
A. The best advice is staff. Each and every staff person has to be good and if they’re not good then get rid of them cause it will bring you down. There’s nothing more important than your staff because good staff are the good products and the clients will come. And don’t be scared to change; things are constantly changing and you got to change with it. Don’t be scared of change. You shouldn’t be scared of social media because that’s the way of the future, that’s how people communicate. You’re able to reach mass audiences at one time. Spend some time and money to do that because in the long run you’ll save money.
Q. How would you utilize social media to help things go well during the season?
A. I send out a newsletter all the time to my clients. I’m constantly aware of new things so I tell them in my e-newsletter. I’m always tweeting and I link it to my LinkedIn so that my contacts and the people on my LinkedIn are constantly seeing what’s new on the tax floor and that I’m on top of it.